Saturday, June 9, 2012

A SideMeat Saturday!

Man this is a Super SideMeat Saturday. I got up this morning and did the following 10 minute calisthenic workout:

Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, rest 10 and move to the next one. Repeat Twice:

1) Burpees
2) Bird Dog Left Knee to Right Elbow
3) Bird Dog Right Knee to Left Elbow
4) Split Squat Right Leg Forward
5) Spiderman Push-ups
6) Squat Jumps
7) Side Plank Right
8) Side Plank Left
9) Plank
10) Supine Bridge

I know the is no back or pulling motions but I just wanted a quick blast without any equipment. Then I got a wild hair and decided to hit a shoulder workout before my training session with my high school wrestlers. Wanna get a burn? Try this one:

1) Lying Side Lateral Raise: 5 x 8 each arm no stopping
2) Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15, 12, 10, 8 up 10lbs per set as heavy as you can go!
3) Giant Set (Seated, 10 of each x 3):
- Dumbbell Front Raise
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise
4) Superset x 3
- Behind the back Cable Laterals (12 each arm)
- Cable High Pulls 12, 10, 8
5) Reverse Hammer Shoulder Press 3 x 10
**To perform this sit on the hammer should press backwards so you push forwards and up. This is great on the front delts! 
6) Machine Shrugs 4 x 12 - 15

After that I waled some of my wresters and a few who wrestled for me last year who are leaving through their off season work out program. I an't give that one away but it is going to make them boys strong!

Now for the rest of my day I get to enjoy sports! The Euro Cup is going on right now and, after the World Cup, it is the greatest soccer event on the planet! Germany plays against Portugal who boasts the best player in the world, Christiano Ronaldo, at 845pm Germany time and I am going to go watch that at an outdoor viewing. 

Tonight Pacman takes on  Timothy Bradley in what I think will be a great fight. Hard to bet against the Pacman though. I expect a great 12 rounder but I have been wrong before. 

Before that though, Game 7, Miami and Boston! After LeBron put a masterpiece last game one has to wonder can he do it again? Does he even need to if Wade and Bosh come to play? Does this generation's original Big 3 have anything left in the tank? Will Rondo take over? Who knows! All I can say is I will be up at 230am my time to watch!

All that being said, how was your Saturday? Make sure you do what you enjoy and try to get a little fitness in as well!



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